begin your embodiment journey

My Heart Offerings

All Services available in English & German


Step 1


Human Design Embodiment

This is the place to start if you want to explore your Human Design and are looking for individualized 1:1 coaching customized to your process and your needs.


Step 2


Human Design Deep Experience

Explore your Human Design deeper with my offers of live events and online group courses and programs. I work and collaborate with amazing and knowledgeable mentors to create a wonderful experience for you.


Not clear where to start or what makes the most sense for you and your process right now? Maybe you want to get an experience of me and my work.



20 min


The moment that you can truly embrace your uniqueness you are divine.

-Ra Uru Hu


Human Design Embodiment


Your Human Design

A detailed reading of your Human Design Chart. The blueprint of your soul.

This session covers all you need to start your journey. We will have a look into the signposts that life shows you to support you finding your unique path in life. I will explain how the inner guiding system of your body works on a practical level. What your gifts are and how to access them in a correct way. We will talk about your “self” and “not-self” themes, the light and the shadow. We will look at how to spot these themes faster to eventually eliminate the resistance in your life to get to a point of letting life unfold itself in its magical ways.

Come back home to yourself, re-connect with your body & your truth, and live a life full of satisfaction, recognition, peace, and suprises.

Duration 1,5h incl. Recording of the Session, beautiful individualized ebook of the presentation with additional information about your Design and the System - Price: 250€

Please note: Your exact dates of birth are required for this service.


Reflector Session (for every Type)

A Session for you and your unique process.

In our session/s I hold the space for potential transformation by my presence and attuned into your frequency while we talk about your design and/or your questions. We may sit in silence for a few minutes, maybe with an essential oil - and be guided. There might be tears and laughter, deep insights and realisations. You can relax. The themes to be looked at will present themselves.
My ability to reflect your current state can open the doors for the next steps into fully embodying your Human Design and support you on your path to true Alignment.

Duration ca.1,5 h 

One time 1 x ca.1,5h - Price: 122€

Reflector Session bundle 3 x ca.1,5h - Price: 322€ - save 44€ 

Reflector Session bundle 5 x ca.1,5h - Price: 555€ - save 55€ 

Does this feel good? Feel invited to book your Session/s

Please note: Your exact dates of birth are required for this service.

Living your Design

A personal 1:1 deep dive into loving and living your Human Design.

Imagine allowing yourself your inner YES and NO, imagine what a shift in your life that would be. Imagine re-connecting with your true Essence and fully trusting yourself again!

My vision for this personal 1:1 journey is to help you to apply the knowledge of your Human Design into your life. Come back home to yourself, re-connect with your body & your truth, and live a life full of satisfaction, recognition, peace, and suprises.

This cellular transformation program is designed to support you in your experimentation with your Human Design and de-conditioning process to get to a place of being yourself before the world told you to change. We will really take our time to look at your unique Human Design energetic Blueprint in all its beauty. How does your body´s inner guiding system work? How do you take aligned action? What is your soul´s purpose? We deep dive into your Human Design with the support of my wonderful workbook that includes contemplation prompts, exercises, and homework, or as I like to call it Explore-Work, designed to support you to incorporate your Human Design into your life.

Since everyone has different topics and areas that need attention, I carefully and intuitively curate this journey individually for you to support the process of the embodiment of your Human Design, integrating the NEW YOU, and to make lasting changes possible.

If it is correct for you I will also guide you towards other helpful practices. This could be integrative work with essential oils, channeled meditations for you, and/or other helpful tools that I will be guided to during our time together. From my light to yours to support your journey the best way possible.

6 sessions à ca.1,5h - Price: 888€

Please note: Your exact dates of birth are required for this service.

Human Design Deep Experience



Deep dive De-Konditionierungs-Programm mit Keren und Kezia

Ein Programm über mehrere Monate, das dir hilft deine Konditionierung Stück für Stück zu aligned Action zu transformieren. Eine sorgfältig kurierte Gruppe, in der alle Teilnehmer*Innen sich gegenseitig unterstützen, gehalten von Kerens Klarheit und Kezias Space. Wir werden ätherische Ölen zu jeweiligen Themen und Zentren als Unterstützung nutzen, Körperarbeit, gechannelte Meditationen, Journaling Prompts und mehr… Die Tools setzen sich für die jeweilige Gruppe und deren Frequenz zusammen und werden intuitiv und mit Sorgfalt von uns entwickelt und vorbereitet.


Bei Interesse und Fragen schreib mir gerne.