Hi, I’m Kezia.

I am a Transformation and Embodiment Coach and Human Design Mentor working with Essential Oils as Frequency Shifting allies. My passion is to guide you to re-discover yourself and dive into your soul´s calling to live life to your fullest potential.

I have been working with the Human Design System since 2011 and have been diving into and living my Design since 2009 (I am a 5/1 Reflector born on the Left Angle Cross of Refinement). I am a Living Your Design Guide certified by the International Human Design School.

I was born1st February 1984 at 21:10 CEST in Düsseldorf, Germany (now you can check out my Human Design Chart on MyBodygraph e.g. if you want ;) ). My family then left Germany and I grew up traveling with a community throughout the USA and Europe. The people in the community came from different parts of the world and were dedicated to a new spiritual awakening on this planet. In hindsight, we did all kinds of “crazy” things and tried out new ways of living. One thing I would love to mention is that we visited all the concentration camps to pray amongst Jews, Christians, Atheists… for healing of the past trauma.

In 2010, I completed my Master's degree in History of Art and Philosophy of Religions and moved to Sweden in 2011 because of love. I am currently living near Stockholm with my Reflector partner Paroxus (we are born the same day/ year), our son Leon (born 2015), and our dog Elvis. Paroxus and I are the CEOs of The Key to Yourself and we offer Human Design Coaching as a team with a male and female perspective since 2013.

Personally, I am dedicated to my own personal growth. I never stop being curious and love diving deep into all kinds of new things that support me moving forward to expand and explore my being. Combining Human Design and GeneKeys is something that has been a new field of exploration for me lately. My calling is to support people to embody their truth, live authentically, and shift the frequency of this planet into higher consciousness.

All my Services are available in ENGLISH & GERMAN.

Our session will be


Imagine individualised Mentoring to fully embody your Human Design into your life to make lasting changes for yourself and the ones around you.

We will look at your unique Human Design energetic Blueprint in all its beauty. How does your inner guiding system work? What is your soul’s purpose? How do you align with yourself with ease and joy? How do you take aligned action? Imagine re-connecting with your true Essence and fully trusting yourself again.
Your body and your needs lead the way.


Everyone has different topics and areas that need attention. Imagine allowing yourself your inner YES and NO. What a shift in your life this would be, right?!

I´ ll work closely with you with my new and refined Mentoring to support the process of integrating the NEW YOU fully and making lasting changes possible.


Imagine your Aura humming the Melody of your Soul. Stepping into your own truth and strength. A life full of satisfaction, recognition, peace, surprise, and self-love. 

With the foundation of your Human Design I´ll be also guiding you toward other helpful practices such as integrative work with essential oils, body work, channeled meditations for you and more.
Your unique process guides me to intuitively pick the tools that will support you the best way possible.

Mentoring as unique as you!

My wish for you from my work

Your genius simply makes you a truly joyous human being. That is your higher purpose — to be radiant for no reason other than being alive.

- Richard Rudd

Client LOVE

Karin, 4/6 Projector

Bin soooooo dankbar für Dich!! Ich habe soviel Bestätigung in unserem Gespräch gefunden und einige Deiner Tips ganz konkret umgesetzt. Entscheidungen nach hinten verschoben, um mir die Zeit zu geben darüber nachzudenken. Einladungen wirklich abgewartet und noch mehr drauf geachtet, dass ein klares JA kommt. So habe ich gerade erst eine Absage erteilt, welche ich früher niemals gemacht hätte und bin so froh, weil ich mir damit einfach keinen Gefallen getan hätte. Es ist soviel mehr Klarheit da heute- DANKE DANKE DANKE. Kezia’s Analysen sind wegweisend, ihr Wesen super sympathisch. Ich kenne sie erst wenige Wochen und doch kann ich sagen, dass ich mich ihr jederzeit im grössten Vertrauen hingeben würde. Sie ist ein Herzmensch mit besonderen Fähigkeiten- ein Geschenk für die Welt und jeden, der in den Genuss ihres Wirkens kommt.

Desiree, 5/1 Generator

Kezia, I could feel your tears. Hot rushing through my cells and yet, what you said afterwards had me vibing with joy and anticipation. I´m excited to work with you, to dive deeper and share this knowledge.

Helena, 1/3 Reflector

Kezia, thank you soooo much. It was truly special. I cried a lot! I feel new today. So honoured to have you in my life

More LOVE.

Dear Kezia. Thank you so much for these downloads! Epic what just happened. Love you for brining such vast ideas and knowledge into this nutshell.


Kezia arbeitet mit ganz viel Gefühl und innerer Überzeugung. Man spürt so stark, wie sie einem das Beste mitgeben will. So liebevoll und so viel Herz! ♡
Sie spürt dich ganz genau und fühlt jedes ihrer Worte. Wenn du ein richtig tolles Reading von einem richtig tollen Menschen willst, dann geh zu Kezia. Ich habe echt viel erfahren und es war der Einstieg in die wunderbare Welt des Human Designs!

Melli, 2/5 Manifesting Generator


Vielen lieben Dank für dieses wunderschöne Meeting gestern! Das war so kraftvoll!

Ich habe heute Nacht zum ersten Mal in zwei Wochen wirklich gut und erholsam geschlafen! Vielen vielen lieben Dank für die Liebe und Energie.

Marina, Generator

Your soul’s fingerprint is a blueprint for your transformation. It is the ‘how’ to create a life filled with abundance, prosperity and joy.


Get a feeling for me

  • Life On The Correct Frequency

    A podcast I run with my beautiful Manifestor friend Milla. A Human Design Podcast inspiring you to trust YOUR process.

    You are most welcome to listen as a 6/2 Manifestor (Milla) and a 5/1 Reflector (Kezia) chat about living the experiment according to our Human Design.

  • Sister(`)s Calling

    Zwei Schwestern auf ihrer Reise zu sich selbst.

    Spiritualität, Human Design, Ätherische Öle, Frau-Sein, Mutter-sein, Mensch-sein, Selbständigkeit mit einem Soulful Business, Mind(set)-Fuck und Alltagszweifel... das Leben mitten in Berlin und auf dem Land in Schweden... All das ist Teil von uns, all das teilen wir.

    Mit dem tiefen Wunsch dich zu inspirieren und gemeinsam zu reisen und zu wachsen.

  • Reflector Reflecting

    Annie, a wonderful 5/1 Reflector sister, and I live on opposite sides of the world but are connected nevertheless. In her podcast, she invites other Reflectors to share their unique story.

  • The New Dawn Podcast

    I had the honor to appear on this podcast not only once, but twice and it was a blast. Dawn is a 5/1 Projector and her focus and curiosity sparked deep sharing.

  • Guide to Wholeness

    My 5/1 moon sister Emily Smith is a huge inspiration for me. Her dedication to supporting women in building aligned businesses is remarkable. I had so much fun talking to her on her podcast.